Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Practice Time!

When I awoke at 5 am this morning and looked out of the window, the sun was a bright red ball on the horizon.  I jumped out of bed, dressed, grabbed my new (second hand) camera and headed for the car.  By the time I reached the river (1 minute) the sun had risen into the clouds but the red/orange glow remained.  Time for some Photos.  Now I took all of these on "auto" as I haven't worked out all the fancy settings yet and on top of that, I forgot to pick up the tripod, so all photos taken hand held.

Chimney Island from the 1000 Islands Parkway

My first bird in flight - just right of centre

Chimney Island again about 30 minutes later.

I managed to find the one spot with the most bugs on the entire Parkway!!!  

Love the reflections in the water when it is so still.

View of the reflections from the sky in the water
from the village of Rockport.

St. Brendan's Church shares the same view.

Another reflection shot, but there are two swans out there.


Just caught a quick shot of this deer on the way home.

That's all for now.  (Note to self:  remember to pick up tripod.)   Time for coffee.  Looking forward to more photography, so stay tuned.
